
As you prepare to book your appointment, I urge to you think of your health challenges not as as insurmountable obstacles or aspects of your life that you have to manage, but rather opportunities for growth and transformation. 

Your mind and body are deeply interconnected. Your mindset and the quality of your thoughts play a crucial role in your health and your ability to heal.

A survival-based mentality, dominated by fear and limiting belief, impacts every cell of your body. This chronic stress essentially sets a ceiling on your health. No matter how well you eat, exercise, or take your supplements, if you’re constantly stressed, your body will only reach a maximal level of wellness, held back by the physiological and psychological constraints of stress. The “ceiling” is the limit imposed by this unresolved stress, which prevents you from fully healing or experiencing higher levels of vitality.

The key to transforming your health lies in shifting your consciousness or “raising the ceiling”. Together we can create a reality where your mind and body work in harmony to achieve and maintain well-being. This transformation starts from within.

I offer naturopathic care by telemedicine (video, phone) to Ontario residents in English, French and Polish.I look forward to supporting you in your pursuit of your highest state of health.

Dr. Dominika Zarzeczny ND